It varies from person to person. Some people may need glasses with 20/30 vision, and others may not. It ultimately depends on your lifestyle and vision needs. […]
Do I Need Glasses With 20/30 Vision?

It varies from person to person. Some people may need glasses with 20/30 vision, and others may not. It ultimately depends on your lifestyle and vision needs. […]
From standard routine eye exams to specialized tests like glaucoma screenings, these visits can take 30 to 75 minutes from start to finish. […]
Do you suffer from: There are now special glasses lenses that can help reduce your symptoms and provide you with more comfortable vision. At The Eye Studio, we are proud to offer Neurolens technology to our patients! Neurolens is a special type of prescription glasses that helps your eyes coordinate better together and helps restore […]
Contact lenses are a great option to get a break from wearing glasses, change up your look, allow you to see clearly while playing sports, or allow you to shovel the driveway without your lenses fogging up. Most contact lens wearers wear what are known as soft contact lenses. We have so many great options […]